Tuesday, April 24, 2012

[Electric Boats] LiFePo4 sailboat house bank


Well I took my cardboard batteries to the boat and tried to fit them in the places available.  The conclusion the Admerial and I came to is the extra cost of the LiFePo4 battery banks will be well worth not losing all that storage space to 600 pounds of lead.  Also getting 4 - 150lb batteries into those spaces will require a lot of cutting and redoing access holes large enough to do the job.

The new plan is to get 2P4S of CALB 200 for a total of 3840W-Hrs and see how it goes.  If needed I will have room for 1 more bank in the compartment to give me a total of 5760W-Hrs.  My house load should run about 1800 to 2500W-Hrs I think.

I guy on the Cruisers forum that lives in the same area was quoted $3600 for 3P4S of these cells with the BMS's, strapped into 12v banks and shipping so I hope to get 2P4S for $2400 total or maybe a little less.

My next issues will be,

  1. If I can not use my DualPro 4-bank charger to charge these, what charger should I replace it with. 
    (Hopefully I will be able to find someone interested if buying the DualPro from me).
  2. Figuring out if and how I can get a 100amp alternator attached to my 20hp yanmar.
    (or maybe 2 50amp alternators)

Can you battery experts point out anything I have missed?


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