Monday, April 30, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Electric Boats messages being cloned to a blogsite


wouldn't who is tell you who owns the domain?
...  How beautiful it is to do nothing, then rest afterwards

From: Myles Twete <>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 7:19 AM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Electric Boats messages being cloned to a blogsite

Moderator Notice:
It has come to my attention that the messages in this group are being copied to an external blogsite:
It is my guess that one of our members is doing this copying or cloning.
If you know who is doing this, please let me know.
If it is you, please cease and desist and remove yourself from this group immediately.
While we do not restrict membership to this group, we do cull the membership of spammers and we try to protect the 4000+ members' identities from spammers or bots as we can.  The only thing more I can think of to do is to change the list to a restricted membership group where I need to approve each new member and not just new member posts.
Suggestions can be emailed to me offline if you have any.
1.       Again, whoever you are that is doing this (here's the website ), please stop this NOW.

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