Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Super Capacitors, Electric Motors, Wind Gen, Solar Panels and Li Ion Batteries


And, boat propulsion generally doesn't have the need for rapid acceleration so doesn't need bursts of power from a supercap. Putting one in a boat system will just add weight and increase losses.

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, Matthew Geier <matthew@...> wrote:
> On 17/04/12 02:13, bobolmedo wrote:
> >
> > My thoughts were to generate electricity with wind and solar to the Super Cap. Convert it to the Li Ion and also use some directly from the Super Cap through an Inverter.
> I thought the attraction of the supercap was rapid charge/discharge
> cycles, as say in a transit applications where the supercap can store
> bursts of quite high current braking energy or in road vehicles that
> need rapid charge.
> Wind and Solar don't to me, seem to be energy sources that have sudden
> large bursts of energy that would be lost if the storage system couldn't
> accept it. The Li battery pack should be more than capable of absorbing
> the output of a boat sized wind and solar installations.

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