Wednesday, April 18, 2012

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: Building a lithium bank


This is probably to Eric but anyone with input is welcome.
I have been at the Car forums mentioned and been looking at the replacement to my AGM's in hopefully a few years. At the DIY Car forum there are a few things I don't understand that may or may not apply to a boat.
In most cases the car is going to very in speed a lot more than a boat. Our usage maintains a rather linear use therefore a steady decrease in power over time. On the other hand a car starts and stops, coasts and accelerates much harder than a boat will see.
It seems that Car battery LiPo4 packs are exceeding the rated Voltages of the motor. Probably not the motor controller to a certain extent or damage would occur but it seems that people are adding batteries 10% to 15% above the rated pack voltage. A 48V pack may be increased to say 56V of batteries. I know that I bulk charge my AGM 144V pack to 174V. What is the thought behind this increase in batteries?
The Selection of Amp Hours seems to be all over the place. I see people buying 100AH batteries at a C4 or higher rating. Wouldn't the average boater be fine at a C1 Rating and 200AH batteries? Our discharge rate wouldn't be as high as cars since we wouldn't be drag racing the boat (At least not mine) and I tend to max out at 50A at the 144V. I must be missing something here.
As far as BMS's go, again we tend to be more linear in use and abuse. Since a lot of people are saying for a car BMS may not be necessary wouldn't this be more true with boats?
And then in general, what would differentiate a car pack from a boat pack in selection of batteries or for that matter even equipment when it comes to LiPo4's?

Thanks for your help on this.
Steve in Solomons MD
Lagoon 410 SE

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