Ben: The answer to how things charge using solar, wind and a battery charger on my boat is it depends. If the battery bank has been heavily discharged both the solar and wind generator will charge the battery. If I add the battery charger to the mix usually it takes over most of the charging. Though again it depends on how discharged the battery is. When the battery is fully or near fully charged the solar panels and their controller keep the voltage of the battery bank above the cut off point of the wind generator during the day. So for most of the day the Marine Air X wind generator is in shutdown/standby mode. After sunset it might fire up if the winds are strong enough but, cuts out as soon as the bank voltage reaches 56 volts. It all works well together. If you look at this video: you will see an amp meter in part of the video. It is only measuring the current from the wind generator. But, obviously the solar panels were also providing some charge into the battery bank too but, it is not shown on that meter. But, current from both sources will show on the main XBM battery monitor. The solar and wind never fight each other it just depends on the depth of the battery discharge whether one or both are adding to the charging. Capt. Mike --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Ben Okopnik <> wrote:
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