Thursday, October 20, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Hi there


Also try this:

Have not been able to find any specifications on it as yet as to size, power requirements as yet but joined this group just this morning and am wading through this material over the course of the day. Interesting concept though over conventional prop/shaft propulsion if I could just find out if it would fit on a 26 foot (8M) boat?!

--- In, James Sizemore <james@...> wrote:
> This forum is filled with mostly sail boat owners that are not terribly upbeat on any type of power boats over the size of a canoe. On the other hand the European boat clubs are almost exclusively powerboats and ferries. There are hundreds of daily use electric ferries in active use in europe the european boat clubs would have a lot more experience with ferry question then any answers you will get here. But feel free to ask questions.
> Is your boat measurement 12 meters by 4 meters? What size battery pack are you planning on using? The bigger the prop the better.
> Here are some links you might find helpful:
> On Oct 3, 2011, at 3:15 AM, suwanpi wrote:
> > Hi!
> > My name is Suwan Pitaksintorn, a new member of the group.
> > I work for National Park of Thailand.
> > I come up with the idea for ecofriendly boat. Yes, electric boat for some marine NP.
> > I have been planed to build a solar boat to show visitor that we can enjoy and work in NP without using gas and spill out more pollution.
> > Now, my team setting up the boat plan like this
> > We going to build a 12x4 fiberglass catamaran solar boat for 17 passengers (dayly use). There are two motors (3000-5000w each) for safty reason and power. The motors drive the propeller through a long shaft (as longtail boat, commonly use in Thailand). We plan to sail from Bangkok to the most south of Thailand for 700 km distance (with 4 passengers). The boat will then operate in Tarutao NP for multipurpose use but maintly to show the ecofriendly boat.
> > However, I still looking for every knowlege, experiences and comments from anyone to make the best of it, particularly the motors, gear reduction and propeller's size.
> > I will explore the site but if you have any comment or recommendations, please tell me.
> >
> > Suwan
> >
> >

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