Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Opinions Wanted - recharging four (4) GC2 batteries while on a mooring


I have a 24 volt (35 Vmp) panel on my boat to recharge a 24 volt battery bank for a Torqeedo 801L. I use a Samlex 24 volt to 12 volt converter which eliminates the need for a 12 volt battery. Thanks. Steve S.

--- In, "stmbtwle" <stmbtwle@...> wrote:
> Might have been sloppy reading on my part; I was thinking a 12v system (that's what I have), but the OP did say the Torqueedo was 24v. So that would mean 4 batteries in series and 2 12v panels in series or 1 or more 24v panels in parallel.
> With a 24v propulsion battery, charging the 12v house battery might be a problem. probably the easiest would be to install a controller that can take the 24 volts from the panels and convert it to 12v for the house battery. I think he'd have to have two controllers, one for the 24v battery and one for the 12v battery. two of these should work and as controllers go they're not that expensive: Just set one for 24v-24v and the other for 24v-12v. And forget the "combiner" I mentioned earlier, it wouldn't work.
> Bill

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