Friday, October 21, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Spam - and something to do about it


I've seen these things for the last 2 to 3 years, and I don't think
it's a hacking episode. There are all the same...sent to about 5
addresses with a website URL at the bottom in place of a message.

I think it's a bug or bot that sends random spams from a victim's
address-book. A hacker wouldn't likely include something like a mail-
list, but a mindless bot doesn't know and treats
"" as just another address like that of
Aunt Maude. Also, as nearly as I can tell, this thing seems PC-
only...So far Every one I've gotten hasn't come from a Mac or Linux
product. Before anyone gets amped, what I'm getting at is that the
bug seems built to target the most popular system.


On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Eric wrote:

> I'm guessing that Kirk didn't send this message. There have been a
> large number of "hijacked" accounts in Yahoo recently and spam like
> this is showing up everywhere.
> My account was hacked about a couple of months ago and my Yahoo
> contact list was used to send out a few spam blasts. You didn't see
> any of that here because I don't have any of my Yahoo group
> addresses in my contact list.
> If you use a mail server like Yahoo or Gmail that has a contact
> list that you can access from different computers, that contact
> list is out in the "cloud". The hacking is done on their servers
> and can happen when you're not logged into the system.
> So I would suggest that everyone remove any Yahoo group email
> addresses from your contact lists (it's not like you need to write
> emails to a Yahoo group, most people can just hit reply to their
> group notification or post a message inside the Yahoo group itself)
> so that if your contact list gets hacked, you won't be sending spam
> to hundreds (maybe thousands) of people's mailboxes with a single
> adddress.
> Fair winds (with less spam),
> Eric
> Marina del Rey, CA

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