Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: new to group


Hi, Bryan. It's OK to start a new thread. New topic, new thread. I think your concept is sound. Look for a MacGregor sailboat with internal water ballast. It doesn't have the weighted keel or daggerboard trunk you will have to deal with. Just replace the ballast tanks with battery bank.

One of the bugaboos of regen is that the shape of a efficient propeller isn't the shape of an efficient turbine blade. If only it was easy to switch between the two. Perhaps a dragon tail shaft so you can lift it out of the water and switch blades from the transom.

--- In, "bryan" <bhclardy@...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to the group and interested at some point in making a 100% electric cruising boat (Sloop) in the next 5-7 years.
> My plans are to find something in the 32-40 foot range in a sloop and re power with electric replacing any inboard diesel eater. I am planning on a large battery bank with a combination of solar (half a kilowatt or so) and wind generation (4-800 watts depending on where technology is at that point) with an AC propulsion system. Idea being that I can leave the boat in gear while under sail and regenerate and charge the battery bank. While at anchor a kilowatt or so of power generation should make me pretty comfortable. My goal would be to be able to run for 8 hours or so at 50% hull speed on battery alone. I am interested in not having a genset, hence the three different power generation modalities.
> Planning on electric augment bicycle for island mobility and electric outboard for dinghy. Hot fusion available in the middle of the solar system, might as well use it!
> Planning to shove off as a part time cruiser in the next 5-7 years and move to half time in the next 9 years. (Wife insists on holidays at home)
> Looking forward to lurking and learning at the same time.

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