Friday, October 21, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Comments from the group please 70 ft catamaran


I don't think you need a licence to pilot your own boat as long as you don't take passengers for hire but I'm not sure. I know I didn't need on for a 51' boat but there are some different rules at the 65' and over.

--- In, James Sizemore <james@...> wrote:
> Do you have an estimation of the finial tonnage? That would be a little more useful then the length for motor sizing. Either way out side of Mastervolt there are no marine option in the 50hp range, so you will be looking at a car conversion kit.
> A question for you was it hard getting the captains license to pilot a boat longer then 64 foot? How long does it take?
> On Oct 7, 2011, at 9:40 AM, "mark.jumaga" <markj@...> wrote:
> > The hulls are now being constructed, this vessel WILL be powered by electric motors. I will be using the largest (235 w) power per sq ft solar panels I can find. The rest of the system has not been specd yet, but I have a lot of research (3 years). Comments please on components and or complete systems. I am not going to buy a retail packaged system due to cost. Recommendations for batteries, motor type, controllers, voltages of the system, generator, regeneration, drive type, caveats, experiences.
> > I expect a minimum of a 30 HP drive for each side, probably closer to 50. Large prop so drive pod is not possible.
> > Thankyou so much. A brief response is sufficient if you don't have time to comment.
> >
> >

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