Friday, October 21, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Spam - and something to do about it


It's nice that Yahoo's told you that, but that guarantee it to be it
so. This thing has been around for a while now, and in advance of
anybody's "cloud". You see these spams on this group and others like
it because it's a mail list that's programmed to forward one member's
input to all members.

The bulk of such spams I receive are sent from private addresses TO
private addresses, sometimes including mail list addresses, and some
of those are from google groups and from other mail lists I've never
heard of before that seem to follow the interests of the
"sender"...Doesn't seem to be a hack-job so much as a harmless but
annoying bit of malware.

Sooooooo...Looking at your post I see it going to 5 yahoo mail-groups
and 2 private addresses. Perhaps you should compare the addresses in
your post to those in your address book.


On Oct 21, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:

> not from my machine. yahoo tech support knows all about it and has
> not solved it
> IT people tell me the 'cloud' got hacked?
> -Kirk

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