Hi all I'm also a new group member. I've been into EVs for years but as yet don't have one because the trip profile to and from work are not conducive to them. I happen to live in the middle of Northern Puget Sound about 70 odd miles north of Seattle, Washington. In the summer the winds are very fickle at best so for me sailing is out, I also don't know how to sail. So I would be looking at a power boat... I like Jeff Gilburt's Hot Chili http://www.duckworksbbs.com/plans/jg/hotchili/index.htm I have a set of plans and in them he gives you ideas how to set it up as a small power boat. It just asks to set up as a small E-boat. And if you get caught out and need more power to get home you could always have a small gas outboard to use when the E-power goes down. femm |
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