Saturday, December 18, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] powering a 38' blobster boat



From a technological standpoint solar energy will not provide enough power for electric boat propulsion for your 38' lobster boat.  A genset addition to your solar collectors making your system a hybrid is one way to make electric propulsion possible.  There are electric drop in systems available for your electric boat conversion but you will need regenerative power for your battery packs and plan on 96 volt to 144 volt power.

John Raynes
Electric Boat Drives

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 7:17 PM, tim.purington <> wrote:

I would like to make my 38' lobster boat run on solar electric.
Does any one know of a manufacturer of large dc motors that would make this possible?
If not does any one know how to build one?
I have lots of room for solar panels and lots of room for batteries.
The boat has an engine now but I would do the change over this winter if I could.
Thanks for any and all help.

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