Thursday, December 30, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: New Member


Hi Charlie,

Welcome to the EB group! I'm interested in your company's choices for LFP. What brand and model of cells did you choose? What kind of charger and did you pick one with a specific LFP charging profile? Did you decide that a BMS is neccessary and if so, which one did you pick?

I've got an 8kWh (160Ah @ 48V) traction bank in my 30' ketch. The sixteen cells are Thundersky TS-LFP160AHA. I chose an Elcon PFC 2000+ charger programmed from the vendor with the appropriate lithium charging profile. I decided to run with EV Works BMS modules (from Australia) for overvoltage protection and top balancing the bank. I don't have the BMS MCU, my charger has a single wire lead to shut off in case of an overvoltage condition. I may add the MCU later if there seems to be a need for it during normal operations, undervoltage is easier to deal with using the MCU.

I've made many posts discussing various attributes of Lithium batteries in an electric boat context. You can do a search in this Yahoo group to read some of those posts.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, "The_BearBoat" <cjohnson@...> wrote:
> A brief introduction:
> I am an engineer, retired Naval Officer and ABYC Master Technician with a very real interest in electric boats esp. with LFP batteries. I am a frequent poster on The Cruiser's Forum under the screen name CharlieJ.
> My company is in the process of installing a house bank comprised of 600 Ahr of LFP batteries in a sailing catamaran.
> I will be lurking about as I am trying to learn as much about electric propulsion and LFP and TPPL AGMs.
> Charlie

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