Friday, December 17, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] New member, Q re: Duffy Boat


I also have two separate battery banks

--- On Thu, 12/16/10, acsarfkram <> wrote:

From: acsarfkram <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] New member, Q re: Duffy Boat
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 10:13 PM

Come on Rick how do you really feel?

Rick makes some good points about battery failure, that is why I feel having two separate banks is a prudent safety feature.

Santa Cruz

--- In, Rick Campos <rick_1211@...> wrote:
> This issue cannot be resolved. I will explain....
> The equiptment is probably functioning properly. The setup your client has probably is satisfactory for the simple connection of a battery to motor. However.....
> Most electrical systems, especially true in battery monitoring devices, are tricky. This is based on the manufacturers software, the battery capacity (which may show  "fully charged" but fails to hold true because of many various reasons).
> Batteries can be measured in many ways but cannot prove itself less running at a predetermined draw for x amount of time.
> Many things can go wrong, similar to a mechanic checking a car battery and stating it shows it's day it's dead and your walking.
> The only way to deterine if the control / monitoring device is working properly is to hook it up to a set voltage / amp device. Then run it and watch the device as you vary the power supplied to it.
> As with most battery devices, capacity is diminished over time and what people consider an error is the inherrent nature of batteries.
> I wish you luck in your research, while I'm not one to support any 'legal' action for someone failure to recognize these 'issues' , I do wish you success because like many products in our lives, manufacture bull-crap is designed to mislead the consumer.
> The electric "marine" crap has been around for a long time. And with every one thinking green, they sell this story as the best thing since pancakes...truth be told.....despite what anyone says......electrically propelled boats are NOT ENVIROMENTALLY SOUND. In facty they are a larger consumable.
> The marine market pounces on consumers by raising the dollar value on something that one may purchase off the shelf at considerably less $$
> Electric engines are only sound when supplied with a power generator of some kind. Then and only then will they be safe guarded and comfortable 'at sea'.
> The battery supplied power question is stupid and unsafe. They have limited range, drop out unexpectedly, react to temperature unpredictably and more.
> Warehouses and same use electric powered forklifts but also keep propane powered ones around for performance and durability.
> Golf courses keep extras carts to fill thier quotas.
> I mention this because the tecnology used in marine engines are derived from companies like Sevcon, Curtis, etc...
> They will tell you what you need to know, that basically, even when the meter shows your batteries are full, and you did the same run twenty thousand times, one day you will crawl back to the charger...
> Not a pleasant day on the water.....
> Best of Luck to you......
> Rick
> --- On Thu, 12/16/10, barristerla <> wrote:
> From: barristerla <>
> Subject: [Electric Boats] New member, Q re: Duffy Boat
> To:
> Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 7:16 PM
> Hi folks:
> I'm new to the group. As you may have guessed by my "handle" I am an attorney. I am NOT, repeat, am NOT looking for business here.
> I could use some input from you folks though.
> I currently have a client who claims to have issues with his2008 Duffy 18 Snug Harbor craft. More specifically, he claims that he has issues with the readout on his Digital Energy Gauge. It does not appear to show the proper time remaining even when initially charged and going forward, during use. He feels he cannot depend on it and if he did he may end up stranded at sea.
> I have searched the net and not really seen any other folks having these problems. Are any of you experiencing this issue or do you know anyone who is? Usually I expect at least some smoke before I believe there is a fire...
> Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses.
> Regards,
> Scott Kaufman

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