Sunday, December 19, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Automotive style generators as motors?


At 10:12 PM 19/12/2010, John wrote:
>Any comments on the thought of using an old style 12 volt automotive
>(actually off an early series Atomic 4) generator as a motor?

G'day John, All

That is an "it depends" question.

You need to supply the field with no more current than would have
been as a generator (should just be sticking 12V on it). Just 12V
will make it run as a shunt motor, i.e. constant speed for constant
volts on armature and field. You would probably want to field weaken
it (lower the field voltage) to make it rev up above 'idle' speed.

You need to put 12V onto the armature in a controlled manner.

You need also to not over-prop the motor, making it run too slow and
draw too much current (no more amps than what it was generating).

Can? Absolutely.

Should? I wouldn't, unless you have time and parts on hand. You'll be
looking at changing prop, etc so an added cost there as well.

For your short run-time overall efficiency isn't an issue, so it
shouldn't matter that things (prop to motor) are not matched. My
immediate thought is that to do it on the cheap with the prop from
the Atomic 4, something like a 24V system including the drive motor
from a walk behind or stand-up forklift would be a better temporary
(and possibly permanent) solution.

Hope this helps


[Technik] James

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