Monday, December 20, 2010

[Electric Boats] new member


Hi! I'm a new member. Seen a great deal of info already.
Just finished building HERCULES Look at C. Welton's HERCULES in photos.
This is a modified Glen L design. I built the fantail and changed the design of the pilot house.
I have been thinking for some time about adding electric power to my modified Ranger 20 sailboat.
A 5 HP gas Honda 4 stroke was more power than I need. A 2 HP Honda is a little too small.
I am also getting ready to build an 18 foot launch on a sailboat hull.
Elco had a 19 ft. launch using a 3 HP electric. sounds good to me.
Lots of good ideas in the group!
Question; How does one build in a thrust bearing on a home build unit of motor, reduction pulley, etc.?

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