Friday, December 17, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: finally finished



I bought mine in Vancouver at Pacific Evergreen Industries, a distributor. Racking my brains, I think it was around 170 bucks a gallon a few years ago. Goes a long way. Bonds like crazy if you give it the right conditions which, interestingly, means rainy weather after the stuff dries, and some time. We blasted the mast after making it (also steel) and slapped the zinga on in the shade. It took a few hours to offgass the solvents but the next day it rained, and the next day as well. I left it out in the open for one year and later, when hitting it with a grinder, you had to actually grind through the zinc before hitting steel. I had to make sure that we were through the shiny zinc and into the shiny steel first before welding stainless steps on the mast. Have a bunch of other experiences with it but in a nutshell, she's good shtuff! Properly applied, can also be used inside plain steel for potable water if you follow the directions exactly.
Hope that helps.


--- In, "Galstaf" <richard@...> wrote:
> Victor,
> The mention of "Zinga" caught my eye enough to google it. Fascinating stuff.. an active sacrificial anode covering the entire boat but no hot dipping.
> Where did you buy yours from and what sort of pricing did you get? What other experiences have you had with it.. is it as good as indicated on their website?
> Please share!
> My best,
> Bill
> --- In, "vjmtymo" <vjmtymo@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, Colin. I welded up the frame from bits of steel that were kicking around after building the boat, then blasted it, slapped on two coats of "Zinga", let it dry, then dunked the whole frame in a tank of fresh water for a couple days. Made the zinc adhere really well. Then painted with an enamel. It was mostly experimental and I'll make up a new frame later, perhaps from aluminum or stainless. We'll see.
> >
> > Victor
> >
> > --- In, "Colin" <colin@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Victor, congrats on a very neat and obviously efective system. Looks great with a basic but very functional strong frame. Is the frame alloy or steel and is it paint or powdercoated.
> > >
> > > Very clean install, wel done and great performance results too.
> > > Colin
> > >
> > > --- In, "vjmtymo" <vjmtymo@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'll take a bunch of pictures this week and post them here for anyone interested.
> > > > Using a Mars 709 motor with an Alltrax 7234 on 48v of US Battery 250Ah 6 Volts. Reduction is 2.3 to 1, double V-belt pulleys with bearings and so on (pictures will speak for that) on a custom frame I welded up.
> > > >
> > > > Victor
> > > >
> > >
> >

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