Friday, December 18, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re:New to this group and saying hi!


Jeff, you're in luck. There are several knowledgeable people in the Bay Area and a number of operating e-boats.

Mark Stafford recently had a meeting at MMKI at Point Richmond with about 7 people interested in the same thing. See the thread "Green boating near San Francisco" on this listserve for some contacts.

You might want to contact Arby Bernt, who has Advanced Marine Electric Propulsion in the North Bay. He is also a member of this group. He lives next to Loch Lomond and keeps an Erickson 27 there as a demo boat for Advanced Marine's very cool electric drive.

The 2KW unit is $2,500, is tiny, shiny and pops right into the old diesel space, just buy your batteries (and maybe reconsider your prop), though is right at the margin for a Cal-30. Advance Marine also has a 5KW unit, I think for $3,500. I saw the demo boat perform yesterday at Tradewinds Sailing Club.

I have no stake in the business, and haven't done it myself, just think it looks pretty good.

Good luck!




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