Thursday, January 23, 2014

Re: [Electric Boats] 48 volt solar panel array


Carter's input sounds good.

If you're looking at a lower wattage, there's one other combination you missed:

Use 12V panels.
Connect them all in parallel (so that shade on some doesn't affect all?)
Use a voltage pump to step up (boost) the voltage to the level you need for charging.

I recently ordered a couple of these units:

They will boost from 10-60V up to 12-80V (output voltage MUST stay higher than input voltage!).
It can handle up to 600W.  You can adjust voltage, and it comes with current limiting (not sure if you can adjust both at the same time... I'm assuming not - you either adjust the current limit or the voltage limit?).

I'm planning on using one to boost a 12V power supply to the ~28V I need to charge a 24V battery bank.


From: Carter Quillen <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] 48 volt solar panel array

Personally I think the best way to go is use standard 250W/30V nominal panels like you would put on a house or commercial installation. They can now be purchased for as low as $.75/Watt. Two of these  can be series together to make a  60V nominal circuit and these can be paralleled for as much power as you can fit your boat. The Arc currently has 16 panels connected in this configuration for a total of 3800Watts.
The 60V feed can then be charge controlled with an MPPT controller to maximize it's output. I have also observed that the MPPT charge controller really helps optimize the efficiency of the electric drive system and will get up to 30% more power out of your panels.
This setup has been working good for me for over a year, we have cruise about 500 miles so far on solar power and we are currently on a 1200 mile passage around Florida traveling on nothing but Sunshine.

On Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:50 PM, Mark F <> wrote:

I am considering putting solar on my boat.
I would like to use a 48 volt propulsion bank.
As I see it I have a few options.
1 - build an array with 4 12 v panels in series and find a 48 volt charge controller
2 - take each panel and connect it to a 12V charge controller that is then connected to each battery.
3 - connect 4 panels in parallel to one charge controller and build a circuit that cycles from battery to battery.( possible detects lowest voltage battery and charges it first - hopefully keep batteries balanced)

Has anyone built a 48 volt panel array?
If so which option did you use, or is there a better way.

When I search the net everything seems geared to 12v or 24v not 48.

Thanks for any info


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