Monday, January 27, 2014

[Electric Boats] RE: 48 volt solar panel array


a "24 volt" (nominal) solar panel produces maximum power at about 30 volts, and a peak voltage of around 36v, so it will have no problems charging a 24v (lead) battery.
They're designed to do this.   For a 48v battery system you'll need two of them in series.  Lithium batteries may have different requirements.

"24 volt" panels can also be used for grid tie, either connected to a micro inverter or in series to a high-voltage inverter.  As most micro-inverters are designed for 24v panels this seems to be becoming the "standard".  It doesn't mean you can't use them for battery charging.  With the right controller you can also charge 12v batteries with a 24v charger.  Going the other way say from 12v to 24 or 48v is not going to work as well as most solar controllers aren't designed to do it.  You can with other equipment but it'll be more expensive.

One thing you have to watch out for is dedicated grid tie panels which may put out 40-60 volts.  Many controllers can't handle that voltage though some can.  

So check the specs before you buy.

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