Thursday, March 24, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: What happens when an electric motor gets wet.


Does anyone have any experience/opinions with using a product like LPS-3 (anti corrosion spray) on motors? I wonder if a seawater submerged motor could be cleaned with fresh water then sprayed or doused with something like LPS-3 and live to spin another day.

Santa Cruz

--- In, "Eric" <ewdysar@...> wrote:
> Rob,
> I've seen similar material from Nanni. The reference to the cooling temperatures is that the cooling water must be below 30 C to provide adequate cooling. "The temperature of the entering coolant (seawater) must not exceed 30°C. The circulation of the coolant should be at least 4 litres / minute." The motor will be operating at higher temperatures than that.
> But all of this is very typical for a straight diesel installation, so the hybrid should not present any unique problems.
> Alternatively, you might consider a Mastervolt hybrid system. Their systems (4.8kW or 9.6kW) will attach to almost any diesel engine up to 45hp (might not be enough for your boat). While air cooled, it does have forced cooling, and Mastervolt is a large enough global company that reliability should not be as much of a concern as some of the smaller vendors like we regularly see on this group. Here's a photo and here's a technical drawing of their 4.8kW system
> It may be worth getting prices to properly vet your project options.
> Fair winds,
> Eric
> Marina del Rey, CA
> --- In, Rob Johnson <dopeydriver@> wrote:
> >
> > I haven't heard back from Nanni yet , but I did find a 14 page file they sent to
> > me last year on their hybrid marine diesel , and I doubt there would be any
> > issue with overheating , as it has an integrated salt water cooling system to
> > keep the motor under 30 C.
> > The very interesting part , is the advantage of electric drive motorsailing ,
> > they even have a chart , to show the advantage on all sailing points.
> > Its all quite clear now , all I have to do is to get that cray boat !.
> > Rob J.
> >


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