Monday, March 28, 2011

[Electric Boats] Introducing Electric Seas: a new social network for electric boaters


[MODERATOR NOTE: The following received today is being passed thru to the list. Self-promotional or competitive advertisements such as this are considered SPAM as written and generally will not be generally be approved even though it is on the topic of electric boats. If folks want to subscribe to yet another forum with an entirely different set of passwords to remember, discussions to track and places to look for and post info, here's your chance. There are but a handful of members, discussions and resources there at this time compared to the 4000+ members, over 12000 posts and hundreds of photo and file archives on our forum.]

Hello everyone! I've been on here a few times and have met some of you. Unfortunately I keep forgetting my Yahoo ID, since I mostly use gmail and facebook so I'm not on EBYG as much as I could be. Anyway, I was thinking that as awesome as electric boating is, and as awesome as it could be, there really should be something on the web to really act as a "platform" to promote what we're into. I mean, like a website that has it's own easy to remember domain name, which consolidates news about electric boating found on the web and/or written by it's own members, indexes technical resources, hosts a complete company directory and as a bonus provides a social network where electric boat owners, electric boat related companies and other interested members of the public can come together and share ideas in an easy to use forum and get to know each other and share photos, video and anything else relevant with their own customized profiles. I thought it would be great if the electric boating community had its own facebook- like network that was even integrated with the real facebook, as well as twitter, Google groups and maybe even Yahoo Groups somehow.

Since I couldn't find anything like this already on the web, I thought I'd start one. Please check it out and join this newly forming network at:

It's easy and of course free to sign up! You'll only pay by having to look at Google AdSense and other subtle ads from within our own community and which of course are there to pay for the web hosting. Electric Seas can be whatever the community of electric boaters wants it to be. I have just put together what I thought we all might like, but I am 100% open to suggestions. And I'm also asking for help- if anyone would like to join as more than a member- please let me know!

And now for the disclosure/ disclaimer: Is this guy for real? So why am I doing this? Well, honestly switching my boat to run with an electric motor was really an inspiring, life changing event for me. I'm hoping to "quit my day job" as a school teacher soon and just commit myself to being a cheerleader for electric boats. Actually I also want to do some long distance cruising with my electric boat at some point and it would be nice to have a platform like this in place to share my experiences on. There's others in my same boat, so to speak... I really think we're all on to something really great and the whole world needs to be in on it. We all stand to benefit if our little niche in the marine industry becomes more than just a niche and goes mainstream. Companies that sell these systems, of course will bring in higher sales and economies of scale will lower the prices on our systems for the end users. Not to mention, we'll be burning less oil, killing less coral and well, basically making the world a better place, right?

So please join me at and me and my alter ego David "Davy" Jones will be happy to welcome you aboard!


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