Friday, March 25, 2011

[Electric Boats] Experiences with Sail-powered Regeneration?


I am planning on building a 26 foot sailboat with a small (7kw) electric motor. I am hoping to get regeneration to work under sail. I have not heard a lot of success stories. I do have a towed generator on another boat that will produce 6 amps at 6 knots. The tow is sometimes difficult to handle, so I would like an integrated system. I am aiming for a long distance racer that would not motor except for in and out of marinas. Basically an engine-less boat with a little help for maneuvering. The regen would also supply the house needs for navigation and lights. Solar panels are great, but take up space and increase windage. The batteries will be designed in as part of the ballast package.

It sounds like the correct combination of prop, gear reduction, motor and boat is difficult to arrive at. Niki Perryman of Classic Boat in the UK is removing her Thoosa because they could not get regen to work properly. One problem with tuning the system is probably the cost of switching components that are not initially sized properly.

I am also considering using two props, one for the drive motor and another for a small towed-type generator permanently mounted inboard. I know that this will work, but it increases complexity, number of holes in the hull, etc.

I would appreciate hearing about any experiences that you have had with regeneration under sail.



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