Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] electric Sailboats


Hi Eric,

I saw a Bomar Rollgen at a sailboat show years ago and was inspired to make my own ($1600 was hard to justify for the Rollgen). Here is a video of a Rollgen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=922qmirqimk&feature=related

Mine is a much more Frankenstein looking contraption I'll add a photo to my photo file under Lotus Flower.

Santa Cruz

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "Eric" <ewdysar@...> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Running the risk of de-railing this conversation, what are you using to furl your asym? I've got a furing screacher and a furling Code 0 for my trimaran, but I would like to add a real asym to run deeper. I'm looking for people with practical experience furling that type of sail since I usually don't have 4 people aboard to fly one free.
> Fair winds,
> Eric
> PS, my tri has a dinghy with a Torqeedo, so it loosely qualifies for this group. :)
> --- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "acsarfkram" <acsarfkram@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rob,
> >
> > Electric motorsailing is a great use for EP. I find a small amount power (2-10 amps) will markedly increase speed and pointing.
> >
> > What I am getting at is the ability to sail in light winds. With the reduced range of EP compared to ICE I think this is important. I guess if we can discuss portable generators, spinnakers should be ok, right:-)?
> >
> > I increase my time under sail by having an asymmetrical spinnaker furled on a sprit. By being on a furler I am able to set/douse quickly and easily from the cockpit and it is ready at anytime I'm sailing. This is really helpful when singlehanding. It can make a difference of sailing at 4 - 5 knots with the spinnaker or 2 - 3 knots with just the jib.
> >
> > Mark
> > Santa Cruz
> >

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