Friday, March 25, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: What happens when an electric motor gets wet.


Hi Rob,

You've presented one of the few use cases where I could believe that a hybrid setup might be justified. The promotional material from the global vendors seems a bit contrived to me, but I guess that they're aiming at those to whom money is no object.

I've enjoyed our conversations and the mental exercise. Good luck with the project. If there's anything alse I can contribute, just ask.

Fair winds,

--- In, Rob Johnson <dopeydriver@...> wrote:
> Thanks Eric.
> I guess I start with the boat.
> If I do manage to get it , then I'll start doing it up , whatever needs to be
> done will be done.
> I'll set up the sailing aspect of it too , as well as can be.
> Again , 2 fields I can use expert help from a boatbuilder about 1/2 an hour
> away.
> Then , make the decision , of whether I can go hybrid or not.
> I can see a very practical reason to go hybrid , because to motor sail with the
> diesel won't be good for the diesel , while it would be perfect for electric
> power , and the battery weight will be no problem , I'm going to have to put
> ballast in the boat anyway.
> All electric is out , its just not practical at all.
> But I could spend 3 times the dollars on a hybrid setup what I paid for the boat
> , and have something that is going to worry me , if it can't handle a bit of
> water.
> Make haste slowly.
> Regards Rob J.



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