Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] need ideas for electric boat motor


Kilos are at Devil's lake, Lincoln City Oregon on October 11th and
12th. D-Lake runs about 5 miles, north/south back of Lincoln City and
at sea level...Happy stuff for kilos because the denser air helps the
piston guys engine displacement and helps the Electrics fly a pack
better. I've attached an ariel of the course to the E-racing album.
Pits are located in the state park at the southeast corner of the lake.

I'm a little undecided about running the 48 hydro for record right
now. I'm just about back to normal from the cancer surgery, but the
year's been kinda spinny getting there and I might be more use going
down to support Mike's effort.


On Sep 15, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Myles Twete wrote:

> Where's the upcoming races John?
> -Myles Twete, Portland, Or.

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