Sunday, September 20, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: DMFC Fuel Cells - Hybrid Nirvana?



I look forward to more fuel cell development and price breaks, though as you say, there are several systems available now. Europe seems to have made the most commercial progress, though tomorrow (Sept 21st) some students will start motoring up the Hudson river (twice recently in aviation crash news) in a old 22 foot sailboat hull:

There is an informational (but organizationally challenged) website that has been up for years chronicling fuel cell press stories:

One of the things I appreciate about electric marine propulsion, is the forward compatibility, the ability to easily use future electron delivery technologies.

Mark Stafford

PS I have a different "favorite eboat benefits" order, probably because I grew up with the noise and smell of horribly polluting systems.

--- In, "aweekdaysailor" <aweekdaysailor@...> wrote:
> OK, I know this may seem a little far-out but I remain convinced that
> fuel cells are the "perfect" e-boat solution. Not as primary power, but
> as "continuous" chargers.
> I think we can all agree that eboat benefits are about
> noise/smell/green/convenience/simplicity .....
> -Keith

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