Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] need ideas for electric boat motor


Kinda...sorta...Wizprod was short for Wizard Productions, a freelance
graphics partnership Gay Hawkins and I put together mostly to keep a
hand in the creative side (both of us were pretty confined to life as
production drones in our day jobs). I was wizprodj and hawk was
wizprodg, and as a joke of sorts between us our biz cards listed
Wizard Productions as a division of Lunar Graphics (Moonlighting).

Worked pretty well, both to break up monotony and to remind me how
screwy customers can be. The one who cured me for good was a customer
who wanted tech manuals and thought that entitled him to call me at
all hours to whine about his family and business problems...He never
got that counseling him at 3 a.m. wasn't on the work order.


On Sep 16, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Andrew Gilchrist wrote:

> John now that is an oldie but a goodie!

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