Tuesday, September 22, 2009

[Electric Boats] An electric cruise to and from New York and a battery question.


I just completed a 140 mile cruise with my 30 foot sailboat Powered by a Thoosa 9000 from ASMO Marine. As I have mentioned here previously my Xantrex XBM battery monitor display became completly useless about a month after the one year warrenty ran out. Xantrex customer service was awful but, NGC Marine (whom I bought the Thoosa system from) stepped up to the plate and sent me a replacement XBM. So kudos go out to them. Unfortuntely, I did not have it in time to start this cruise.
    During the last forty mile leg the wind pretty much died and I cranked up the Honda 2000i and motor sailed the last five hours. At some point the ZIVAN NG-1 charger went to a green condition which means the battery bank was at full charge. I'm thinking this is great we are moving along at about 4 knots and the battery bank is fully charged so I motor sail for a few hours (remember my Xantrex battery monitor is not working so I have no idea how much current I'm drawing). Finally I notice that the battery pack voltage is heading down to 49 volts (on the Morningstar solar panel controller meter) and I suspect something is wrong. I unplug the Zivan charger to reset it and it goes immediately into a bulk (max current) charge cycle. Seems the charger gliched and indicated a full charge but, I was actually drawing down the battery bank for a few hours.  By the time I reached my destination the 48 volt battery bank voltage measured 47.6 volts. My
question is for the battery mavens out there is how much do you think I discharged the 48 volt battery bank from the full charge condition and was there much harm done to the batteries to the batteries in the bank?   

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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