Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] need ideas for electric boat motor


> You have been leaving cyber tracks a lot longer than most!

I'm thinkin' since the mid '80s...It was when I found I could trade
pictures, font sets and other art bits with my Seattle City Light
counterpart Sam...Here's the story of getting stuffed into progress:

I'd always thought I'd go through my whole career as an artist
without ever seeing a computer, but that dream went away about 1983
when maintenance dumped a huge box on my drawing table and said
something like "here's your AT"...whatever that meant.

AT turned out to mean an early IBM desktop that was slower than a
garden slug and a dog for anything other than writing and something
called "spreadsheets". It was able to do rough orthographic stuff in
Autocad though and my manager decided I'd do all the utility
standards drawings in single-plane ortho instead of the scaled
measurable isometrics line crews demanded. I disliked it, and
disliked my manager's dumping it into my cage more...Partly because
it was a useless space eater, mostly because it was another of Mark's
"look at progressive manager me!" gizzies, I had payback fun with him
using it though.

Mark was a great guy to know outside of work, but a jerk to work for.
He was new at management and tended to ensure power by splitting the
drafters into warring factions and micromanaging the single
specialists like me. He liked to give bigwigs a tour of my office to
show off his cleverness and though he knew zip about the AT he
insisted I teach him to start it up and bring up a drawing (to
impress the big-shots). The drawing I picked was a simple standard
for hanging flower planters from utility poles...just a planter box
with flowers, the hanger, and the measured dimensions for attachment
to a pole. The thing with Autocad though was that you could embellish
the simplest drawing enormously at an unseen microscopic level. And
if you added enough stuff it would take an hour to load and show on
screen. So using huge magnification to keep added details invisible
at 8.5X11 I added an entire city of bugs to a clone of the drawing,
then slipped a change into the call-up code for a sleight of hand trick.

Mark would drag a wad of visitors in, explain how his visionary
approach had improved the production level of his wretched
illustrator, and fire up the AT. He'd select the drawing to bring it
up. When the AT was still whirring and grunting with nothing to show
at about 15 minutes, he'd start to squirm. At 30 minutes Mark would
give me his panic stare and I'd step over to fiddle the keyboard
bringing up the bugless version. It only took about a month of
frustration to make him quit dragging his tours through my cage.


On Sep 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM, dennis wolfe wrote:

> Hey John,
> You have been leaving cyber tracks a lot longer than most!\
> Denny
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Paramore
> To: electricboats@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] need ideas for electric boat motor
> Ummm...except for the wizprodj email address...That was my
> freelance
> commercial art address from 15 years ago. I've changes addresses
> twice and retired since then. Still play with boats though...We've
> got kilos coming up in about a month where Mike should finally
> stretch past the 100 mph mark
> John
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 4:17 AM, dennis wolfe wrote:
>> Here is a useful link:
>> http://www.seattleoutboard.org/electric.html
>> Denny
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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