Monday, September 14, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Hello, New to group - do I have enough data to consider con



I think that weight becomes an issue too. At 40 lbs per panel, the 6Kw array would weigh over 1200 lbs without a support structure. I doubt that mounting that much weight and windage 7' above the sun deck would be good for the boat's stability.


--- In, James Sizemore <james@...> wrote:
> With prices as low as $2.50 a watt or about $3
> a watt total system, It would set you back about 14 to 18 thousand for
> a 6000 watt system. You would need another $5000 to $6000 for the
> electric motors and controllers. In terms of a marine repower that not
> an outrageous number. A good 6000 watt generator installed would not
> be a lot cheaper then the solar array and you would still need to buy
> gas!
> Your other options would be a hybrid electric Both
> and are very
> expensive You needing a twin screw.
> Your looking a $20,000 a screw.
> And with all the above you still need batteries. But again these are
> not outrageous number for a marine repower in boats this size! 50
> foot boat just cost more to repower then a tiny 30 foot boat.
> But then you have to compare this to the running cost of the gas
> motors you have now. Everything above would cost less to run per
> mile. The question becomes will you put enough miles on your house
> boat to recoup the cost? If your planing on doing the great loop at
> low speeds maybe.

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