Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] An electric cruise to and from New York and a battery question.


You discharged to abought 35 % which is within the recommended maximum 80 % level.  You should not leave it discharged for extended time and should charge ASAP.
Take a look at the chart on Trojan web sight.
I have had electric car and only had basic Amp and Volt meters, that is all you realy need to monitor battery.  You should have basic amp and volt meter (if only for back up) before adding any other more complex monitoring systems that are more prone to failure !
Hope this helps,
George Kuck
Chestertown, Md.

--- On Tue, 9/22/09, Mike <biankablog@verizon.net> wrote:

From: Mike <biankablog@verizon.net>
Subject: [Electric Boats] An electric cruise to and from New York and a battery question.
To: "ELECTRIC BOATS" <electricboats@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 2:40 PM


I just completed a 140 mile cruise with my 30 foot sailboat Powered by a Thoosa 9000 from ASMO Marine. As I have mentioned here previously my Xantrex XBM battery monitor display became completly useless about a month after the one year warrenty ran out. Xantrex customer service was awful but, NGC Marine (whom I bought the Thoosa system from) stepped up to the plate and sent me a replacement XBM. So kudos go out to them. Unfortuntely, I did not have it in time to start this cruise.
    During the last forty mile leg the wind pretty much died and I cranked up the Honda 2000i and motor sailed the last five hours. At some point the ZIVAN NG-1 charger went to a green condition which means the battery bank was at full charge. I'm thinking this is great we are moving along at about 4 knots and the battery bank is fully charged so I motor sail for a few hours (remember my Xantrex battery monitor is not working so I have no idea how much current I'm drawing). Finally I notice that the battery pack voltage is heading down to 49 volts (on the Morningstar solar panel controller meter) and I suspect something is wrong. I unplug the Zivan charger to reset it and it goes immediately into a bulk (max current) charge cycle. Seems the charger gliched and indicated a full charge but, I was actually drawing down the battery bank for a few hours.  By the time I reached my destination the 48 volt battery bank voltage measured 47.6 volts. My
question is for the battery mavens out there is how much do you think I discharged the 48 volt battery bank from the full charge condition and was there much harm done to the batteries to the batteries in the bank?   
http://biankablog. blogspot. com

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