Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: New to group, please evaluate my dual trolling motor setup


Hello Kevin.  The picture you saw in the files area is just a quick 3D image.  I have lots of draftings but they are 2D and more confusing for most.  This boat has an much smaller outrigger hull and two beams just not shown on the drawing. 

Why a Proa?  Well, from an engineering perspective, its likely the most efficient design for cruising sized sailboats.  John Harris, the owner of has a great video on Proas and Why, much better than I could ever hope to explain.  See here for more info

I'd gladly go with plans from a real "designer" but there are none to speak of.  As far as I am aware, only John Harris offers plans for Maddnes (which I already own) and Rob Denny in Australia sells plans for HarryProas (which are not Pacific Proas!).  Its a truly unexplored area of yachting.  Look back to the 50's and 60's.  Trimarans and cats were considered dangerous and foolish.  It took decades for the public to actually evaluate these boats on  facts and performance.  Proas are even farther behind but strictly from an engineering standpoint are far more efficient that any other boat type (from a materials needed per boat length). 

I have used hand calculation methods, hulls.exe and FreeShip to evaluate the design as best I am able.  Further, he is not that much different from Maddnes, so it really not like its all that radical of a design.  Madness hit 10plus KTS on her first sail and has seen over 20 kts multiple times.  I don't expect those numbers, but he shouldn't be too much of a pig either.

I'm building the boat to test to see if in fact he is a good cruising boat.  He should be shoal draft (18"), fast enough (I expect to easily hit 10kts, and have a top speed of over 15).  He has a double bed (so I can spoon my bride!) and he is trailerable. His area of operation will primarily be in the SE of the US, and the Bahaman island chains.  I would at some point like to take him to Alaska over a summer.  He is to be a "transportable" boat, and pulled by my e150 van.  He is designed to keep me comfortable while cruising and also keep my small wife happy during the times she actually stops working and visits me .   I'll likely spend most winters in the SE, with (working) visits by the wife once or twice for a week or two.  I live in the PNW and will continue to do so until my boy gets out of high school in 3 years. 

I have lived on funky homemade muitihulls before, so I may be a bit foolhardy, but I am not completely without some experience when it comers to ugly strange boats (my preference!).

Thanks for the comments.

Chris Curtis

---In, <captainyoung@...> wrote :

Hi Chris,
Just looked at your images of your proa design. I am not sure what is going on with this design. Proa's have 2 hulls, the image looks like 1 hull?

Why such a different design? Is there a reason you are not using plans from a proven design?
What is the goal of the project?
Are you using any boat design software?

Maybe if you give us some of the requirements of the boat, we can give some feedback on the design.



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