Saturday, November 7, 2015

RE: [Electric Boats] Looking for a great fishing story!


For you recent list members (since 2011), I stepped in to own this list about 10 years ago now.  Moderation was onerous as nearly everyone in this group had no posting privileges without moderation (including me).  To address the pain, I spent the time to unmoderate anyone who submitted a coherent post.  Pretty quickly, I didn't have much of anything to do and we had lively discussions.  Sometimes it got out of hand and I had to remoderate some folks, but it wasn't bad.  Then about 2011 or so, Yahoo changed a lot of things with the Groups.  This included the tools and access for moderators.  It became very time consuming to jump thru the hoops to unmoderate someone.  Then one of our members took it as an affront that I didn't approve his posts quickly enough and ranted so much that I stopped approving his posts.  Since, he has popped out of the woodwork annually about this time of the year to rant against me including posting in my name saying I'm an idiot---yes, Yahoo doesn't prevent someone from spoofing someone else on these lists…


I apologize for being slow at posting valued messages.  I will do better---and will look at unmoderating those of you who regularly post sensibly and haven't shown a propensity for acting like a troll on occasion.  I will NOT unmoderate myself as there is likely one member on this list (you know who you are) who relishes the opportunity to post something in my name denigrating me.  Unfortunately, I can never know who that person is, nor can I prevent that same person from posting in anyone else's name who is 'unmoderated'.  I'd love it if folks could be patient and civilized.  I'll do my part as I can.  I don't get paid for this and don't gain enjoyment in having to respond to whining.


As for great fishing stories, yes, I got my 24# Columbia river salmon this Fall (not on my boat)---no real story, but it was great J.

As for my "tired batteries"---that story went away 2 years ago since going to top-of-the-line Enerdel lithium, nom. 41v batteries.  With what is becoming a 700ah, 31-48v pack, I don't think battery range anxiety will be in my future anytime soon J.




From: []
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2015 12:33 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Looking for a great fishing story!



I know I'm not the only one wondering what happens or why there is a lull in posting times and content delivery with this group.  I for one am interested in the new content and as of late it was getting good.

I know for one people were posting and replying and would have continued to do so more frequently if responses would get posted in a more timely manner.

Absenteeism of moderation really is not helping to progress electric boating.  So Myles I hope your out there enjoying yourself on your barge and have a great fishing story to tell us or an electric boating adventure.

When are you going to replace the tired batteries in your barge or have you?



Posted by: "Myles Twete" <>
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