Wednesday, July 6, 2011

[Electric Boats] Thoughts on regen and batteries


Thinking about the case of a weak battery in a string (say 4x12)...

In the above scenario (and there is _always_ 1 weak battery in a string...) - isn't any 48+V charging source selectively charging the weak battery (more charge acceptance)?

Sailing around in good wind this weekend and getting 1-2amps regen pretty consistently according to my ain't much, but when I did have to motor up, it seemed that my voltage stayed higher, for longer, than this small about of charge would account for...which got me thinking....

Since the weak battery ultimately determines the effective voltage of the string (and hence your range) - is it possible that just looking at overall watts in isn't telling the whole story? Can we capitalize on that (BMS system, etc)?


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