Saturday, July 30, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Aloha from Hawaii


Myself and another -  Pitt Bolinate -in this group have the same boats (mines a seawolf 1974 ). We both have Electric Yacht's 360lib in our boats.  He has 520Ah or so of Lithium powering his and I have 320Ah of the same.  Our boats are pushing the envelope but hey who needs that last 15 HP on your ICE anyway.  

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On Jul 30, 2011, at 2:49 PM, justin johnson <> wrote:


I am new to your site and coming to you from Honolulu Hawaii.  I am the owner of a Formosa CT41, a 45' sailing ketch.  The original 50hp diesel motor has failed and it is time to choose a replacement.  I am really drawn to the quieter operation of an electric drive.  In addition many of the outer islands in the chain do not allow the use of fossil fuels. 

I am very confident installing a system myself.  However I am new to this format and still learning.  Any suggenstion or comments are very welcome.

FYI  39" at the water line 45' overall, 12' beam 9,000lb full keel,  It is necessary to navigate about a mile of a narrow channel to get to open water.


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