Thursday, July 28, 2011

[Electric Boats] controllers


Hello all,

I'm relatively new to the group, but as I've made the decision to move to EP on my 70's era Cascade 29 (actually, the gearbox and the continually breaking motor mounts made the decision)I thought I'd jump on here to gain some knowledge from those who have gone before.

From the research I've done to date the Mars ME0709 seems like the best choice for $$/power in a brushless design.

The question I have (several really)are on the controllers. There are a couple of companies that offer kits with this motor as the anchor, but it seems each kit prescribes a different controller. I would like to be able to switch from forward to reverse without a separate switch using something like a Curtis type ET-134 (5-0-5K), but, I gather, that you need a particular controller to do this (braking, regen?) I've also seen some kits that list this motor from 24-48V and some that list it as 24-72v.

Ultimately, I'd like to have the 72v bank for the potential of greater range, and a throttle that most closely resembles a single lever boat control.

Can anyone reccomend a reasonably priced controller that can do what I've described above?

Does anyone know if the ME0709 is rated to 72V?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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