Friday, July 8, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Lyman 13


Nice boat!
You could consider and outboard conversion, I think that would be the nicest choice. Picture a Johnson Sea Horse of the same vintage converted like the motor shown here,
It would adapt readily to your steering and possibly throttle.
It would look correct for the boat, and you should be able to build it for less than $1000.00. I think you'd get better performance than a trolling motor as well. Old outboards are cheap and easy enough to find. Another option for you anyway, I started with a 40 hp Merc converted like this.

--- In, "Robert Hargraves" <robert.hargraves@...> wrote:
> Thank you all for your advice. The Lyman 13 is indeed 13 feet long. By hefting the bow then stern on the trailer I’m guessing it weighs about 400 pounds, empty. I think I’ll try the $400 Minkota Traxxis rather than the $3000 Torqueedo, which appears to have twice the power. If unsatisfactory I can upgrade, or maybe get two Traxxis units, but it will be a while before I finish preparing the boat and reporting back. I’ll also have to figure out how to adapt the motor to the remote steering and throttle cables already installed.
> Re: Lyman 13

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