Friday, January 29, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Outboard conversion question


My system:
Yamaha 15hp rig (bulb gear reduction ratio app. 2)
PMG_132 pancace motor (revs up to 3200)
Prop 15" pitch . Diameter 15".
Works well for max 15 knots.
Original gas speed max 30kn. Now doing max 15kn. = Lower revs and more
Motor preferred rotation direction is not satisfied. Can not use max
voltages. Only up to 48V.

redu wrote:
> In the Photo section, in the "Default Club Album", there is a photo of an outboard motor conversion (top row, second from right) to electric. Now, from what I've been able to determine, an outboard engine turns over at anywhere from a few thousand RPM to as much as 5 or 6 thousand, while most electric motors top out at 2500 RPM or so. Can someone tell me how this seeming disparity in input speed equates to output? What electric motors would be appropriate for this type of conversion? Thanks
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