Friday, January 8, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Eco shipping


>>>>>The researchers that staff the Farallon islands rely on (mostly) sailboats for transport to/fro and also for supplies:
http://www.prbo. org/OBSERVER/ Observer108/ FP108.html
It will be a Great Day when one of them is electric - I'm still chicken :) .

Electric is still "diesel" as they have to have large electric generators burning diesel fuel onboard to run the electric motors. The big advantage of giant electric is the elimination of the huge transmissions, propeller shafts and seals, etc. With rotational electric pod engines the ship can eliminate stern thrusters and even rudders. Major cost savings, not to mention of the biggest market - cruise ships - where they have to have monstrous electric generators anyway for all the lights and other passenger services.



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