Monday, January 11, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] New member Saying HI!



Remind me to send you a picture of my 64 Econoline PU named Thumper. :o)


You know I just can’t do things ½ ass. We looked at a 38 Leopard which I thought would be plenty big enough. The Admiral had other thoughts (and rightfully so). It took her 20 minutes on board the Leopard to give me a list as long as my arm as to why this wasn’t the right boat. She’s very pleased with EG.  

We took sailing lessons down in the Abaco’s and both passed 4 certifications but that doesn’t make you a sailor. It just opened our eyes to what the end of the rainbow had to offer. We are hooked on this way of life, it’s just one step at a time. Getting to know EG and the systems on board is all part of the big picture. New technology like this is ging to have some problems. It’s not for long distance sailing at this time but will be if they get the battery technology figured out. I just figure we’re a little ahead of the curve. But again for what we are using it for right now it’s perfect. As for the Solomons system, it’s a good one and several changes that have been made have corrected some Issues already. I’ll be going through a lot of posts here to catch up and get up to speed on hopefully more of the nuts and bolts stuff over the next few months. So much to learn, so little time…


Steve in Solomons MD   


From: [] On Behalf Of Thumper Smith
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] New member Saying HI!


> She's a 41' Lagoon Catamaran

> My wife Cindy and I are new to sailing and this is the first boat we have owned




You guys just don't mess around, do you? Beautiful boat - just about at the top of my list of desired boats (having crewed aboard large cats a time or three). I'll be looking forward to knowing more about your Electra Glide.



Groton, CT



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