Saturday, November 3, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Storm


Thanks Richard! I had just gotten back from a 200 mile fall cruise the day before things began to get interesting. My boat survived with very minor damage and was still floating on her mooring but, it was a thousand feet away from where I left her on Sunday night. But, with a beamy boat and 90 MPH gusts plus storm surge added to the mix it was no surprise. About five or six boats around mine did the same. Here is a chronicle of the events:

I've emptied the freezer at home bought the stuff to the boat and moved on board which is where I am most of the time anyway. I've got more power on board my electric boat than at the landbase these days.:)  With solar and the wind generator doing their job life is good. I lost my Honda BP2 outboard on the dingy when the marina work dock broke apart and flipped the dingy. I'm still trying to grapple for it. It may be a sign to replace it with electric one.  Still I feel lucky that things turned out the way they did. Other boats in the harbor were not so lucky. Hope all the other EP boats survived.  Steve in the Chesapeake how did your Lagoon Cat do?

Capt. Mike

From: Richard Mair <>
To: electric boats <>
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 7:15 AM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Storm

Hope everyone survived Sandy. I know the New York area was hit really hard and that is where Capt. Mike is. Hope you are all ok and
Power is back.

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