Thursday, August 9, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] MPPT controller with load Diversion ?


Without trying to figure theirs out, I'm planning to do a solar
charge controller/DC to DC converter with the following features:

a) If the input (ie solar collectors) is too low (night), the unit
will shut off. It will draw no (or virtually no) current from the

b) If the output can't be maintained at the set voltage (ie, the
batteries are too low or the load is too great), then the input will
be held at maximum power point and the output will put out the
highest voltage it can, regardless that it's low.

c) If the input rises much above max.pwr.point (batteries are charged
and present loads are satisifed), current will be supplied to a "dump
load" to use up the extra power from the collectors, rather than
letting it go to waste. This might be (in my plan) a hot water
preheater tank. Probably this is the same idea as the "load dump"
they're talking about.

(I've put up 4 collectors on my house, 892 watts capacity, but it's
likely to be some months before I get to this project.)



> > A while ago a thread was talking about MPPT controllers which also had a
> > 'Load Dump' feature.

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