Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[Electric Boats] Battery charging info wanted


Good day all,
I am looking for some charging info for some new batteries I have.
I have four powersafe VRLA 105AH 12 volt batteries I may use on my boat.
They will be be my propulsion pack, replacing my two 140AH flooded cells. My max current draw never exceeds about 50 amps.
I am trying to determine the best charging scheme for these batteries. They were sitting at 11.95 volts when I brought them home yesterday so I charged them with a digital charger set on AGM/GEL mode. This limits the charge voltage to 13.9 volts. The float voltage on the batteries recommends 13.68, which is right about where the charger finished.
My question is should I continue at the AGM/gel setting or can I use the flooded deep cycle setting?
After resting overnight they settled at 12.5 volts. I wondered that since they are still a LA battery if they could take the higher voltage charge. On the boat they will be charged by solar through a Morningstar 24 volt temperature compensated controller. No MPPT. That controller also has flooded and AGM/gel settings.
My feelings are to stay at the AGM settings but I thought I'd just ask to be sure.
Any opinions?

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