Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[Electric Boats] Philippines Trip: Hamilton Meadows


Hope you get this on time, This message is coming to you with great depression due to my state of discomfort. Traveled on a short trip with my family to Manila, Philippines. but unfortunately we got mugged and robbed at gun point on our way to the hotel where we stayed. All cash, credit cards and few other valuables were taken away.

We've been to the embassy and the police here and they have done the best they can. Presently, we are having some problem sorting our bills here as we need to settle every outstanding before we can return as our return flight leaves in few hours. I am contacting you to ask for a short loan of $1,950 to settle our bills which I will refund immediately I get my family back home safely. Let me know if you can help.

Hope to read from you soon

Thank you,

Best, H

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