Saturday, January 7, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....


my boat 16,500
4 battteries WAG 20 minuets which is plenty of time for me
have not been in water

From: Brian <>
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....

Uh, guys..... I hate to sound selfish but I had originally asked about the feasibility of using an inexpensive controller (i.e. one for an e-scooter) on a 10hp manta motor. Can anyone help with that? Do feel free to continue the discussion about the other boats and systems but some advice/help with my question would be appreciated. FYI, Bob, I CAN beat ya :). Got my 22 ft daysailer for $1.60 on Ebay and I'm also restoring a San Juan 26 that I got for free :). (preceeding comment made in a good natured manner and not intended to be rude, competitive, or one-uppish)

--- In, martin demers <mdemers2005@...> wrote:
> I wonder if a golf cart motor like yours is enough to get my boat moving out of the marina and get out of trouble once in a while, I have a 37ft steel classic weighting 18000 lbs.
> how long last your 3 batteries?
> Martin
> To:
> From: falcolnxp@...
> Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 16:29:57 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....
> 22 hp5.5 to 7.5 electric replaces 22 hp gasI should be able to maintain hull speed at 2/3 powerCapt Bob 435678 3436good Luck = lots of people (including me) think hey know more than they dofind one sucessful person (if you can find one) and follow there advice & useing common sense proceed slowly.
> From: martin demers <mdemers2005@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 4:22 PM
> Subject: RE: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....
> Cap Bob,
> What GAS size will your 11hp motor replace?
> Martin
> To:
> From: falcolnxp@...
> Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 14:57:42 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....
> Hi Mr. cheapskate, Can you beat this. given a golf cart with a 36 v charger and comtroller. did not know if it worked.took in for repair, repairman said No Charge = terminals needed cleaning Went to a very exclusive golf cart sales outfit. bought 2 more golf carts for $100.00 each and the owner gave me a third one for free;one of the carts has a 11 hp electric motor which bolts up to my colombia 30 drive shaft.I plan on useing a free DONUT from a Mercedes drive line to connect cart axle to drive shaft.
> sold one golf cart for $100.00 and traded 3rd cart for the electrial and mechanical installation in my boat.Cash
> spent so far conversion
> $100.00 plus $345.00 for three new marine batteries from WallMart.There has to be an unplanned ending to this Too Good To Be True Storycapt bob Faftrom: Brian <oifvet08@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 1:29 PM
> Subject: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....
> I am working up plans to convert my 22 ft daysailer to electric and I'm looking to do it as economically as possible (OK, I'm a cheapskate). I have noticed that there are motor controllers out there running everywhere from about 35 bucks for a 1000W 36V controller advertised for e-scooters up to more than 500 bucks for a top end model that will probably make my coffee in the morning. I looking at using a manta motor with 36V power. What advice do you all have out there that will keep me from making a costly (or cheap, as the case may be) mistake.

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