Monday, January 30, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: House boat conversion


I googled that boat. Looks like a cool design. What does it currently have for power, and what are your speed and range requirements? Switching to electric works well for many sailboats and efficient displacement hulls with modest range requirements. There are systems on the market that would move your hull at reasonable displacement speeds, but battery range is always a limitation. You might be a good candidate for a hybrid system, using a moderate size diesel genset to provide house power and charge your propulsion batteries.

--- In, "David" <dchial@...> wrote:
> Hi, I`m David a long time reader first time w/a
> request for information. I have A38 ft X 12 ft
> River Queen house boat, steel hull around 14,000
> lbs. lookin` to electrify it. I tried emailing
> elco and a few others and they didn`t seem to want
> help. I do have a basic Idea what has to be done,
> does anyone know of a co. that helps
> the little guy?? David

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