Sunday, January 8, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers/ Over working motor??? Cheap or not....


I am confused about how you can tell the amperage and voltage a speed controller andan electric motor  can handle??
 can I tell with a volt/amperage/ or ohm meter

I know think you can tell if the electric motor is being over worked by the heat it gives off  =

             1.  If it is hot to the touch it will burn out soon!!!!

            2.  If it is warm like a baby's bottle it will probably run indefinitely  as long as the voltage does not drop more than 10 % ???? of the motor design ????

electricity was not one of my post graduate studies I am useing a 48 volt lithium battery system on a 48 v golf cart 7.5 hp motor
 in a 10,500 lbs 30 ft colombia sailboat.

Capt Bob 435 678 3436

From: Brian <>
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Speed controllers. Cheap or not....

I am working up plans to convert my 22 ft daysailer to electric and I'm looking to do it as economically as possible (OK, I'm a cheapskate). I have noticed that there are motor controllers out there running everywhere from about 35 bucks for a 1000W 36V controller advertised for e-scooters up to more than 500 bucks for a top end model that will probably make my coffee in the morning. I looking at using a manta motor with 36V power. What advice do you all have out there that will keep me from making a costly (or cheap, as the case may be) mistake.

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