Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Hunter e36 and e27


Cool, I have a 78 Hunter 33 which if I am not mistaken is from the same molds.
How far along are you in your refit?


I've been lurking here for a while, you're correct that the group is mostly about the aftermarket type thing.
Not all "homebuilt" though, we're refitting a 1976 Ranger 33 with a total system from Propulsion Marine.
A lot of the group conversation is way over my head...
As for the Hunter question, I own and sail a Hunter 260 water ballast and love it.
Hunter gets kind of a mediocre rating as new yacht purchase though, sometimes undeserved, I think..
That said, If I were buying a new Hunter sailboat I would ONLY buy the electric version.
Jeff Gascho
Dovetail Designs
1889 US Rt. 9 #43
Toms River, NJ
From: bryan <>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 12:22 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Hunter e36 and e27

anybody have any experience or opinions regarding the hunter sailboats with the "e" option?

Just curious. I get the impression the group is about a lot of homebuilt do it yourself type e-conversion, but I wondered what the consensus regarding factory built would be.


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